Intellectual Property
The importance of intellectual property (IP) to successful design cannot be overstated – patent protected novel features can be key to realising market leading solutions that stay ahead of the competition.
Intellectual Property – What is it?
Intellectual Property, in the field of product development, primarily encompasses design right (the physical appearance of a product – registered or unregistered) and patents (the functional characteristics of a product or feature).
Why Is It Important?
Design right & patents play an invaluable role in setting your product aside from the competition. Additionally, they protect its position in the marketplace. Intellectual property has never been more important than in todays connected world.
What We Offer
Glenelg treat IP generation as an intrinsic part of the product design process. We factor it in during concept generation and each further stage moving forward. Additionally, we always look to add novel features into any design that are patentable for the client. This includes avoiding infringement of existing designs. Above all else, this approach means our solutions stand apart from rival offerings.
Glenelg have ties with industry experts to help guide clients, however we can also work with existing partners should this be preferable. Our experienced in-house team can offer practical advice based on a wealth of expertise in diverse fields. We can also produce the technical line drawings required when filing for design registration or patents.
In-House Intellectual Property
Glenelg also develop in-house IP solutions for our clients. We have, for example, provided support through recognising issues in their core markets to provide innovative, fully protected solutions that they have been able to sell to their customers. With numerous patents to our name in addition to many more filed through clients we believe this to be the strongest evidence of our ability to provide innovative solutions.
Amaray Button
Patented secure disc storage without risk of scratching (Amaray Media Packaging).
Nose grip details successfully filed for design registration (GHD Max Styler).
Glenelg Button Dosing
Glenelg patented measured dose dispense for concentrated liquids filed during Robinsons Squash’d development. UK patent now granted.
Glenelg Mother & Child
Unique self-refilling arrangement allowing fragrance cap to be used as independent travel pack when ‘on the go’. Patent now granted in Glenelg’s name in all major worldwide territories and available for licensing / purchase.
Lock Lock
Secure door handle with patent protection (Lock Lock).
Patent protected external two piece locking mechanism (Patlock Security).
Unique, patented features designed into the complete range of Proptek propagation trays and containers (Proptek).
TCL Xottle
Packaging closure with patent protected wide-mouth aperture (Xottle Beverage Packaging).